about prince of peace young adults



we call the restless wanderer home so they can be real, messy, and vulnerable before the throne of the father


Our Values

ENCOUNTER the living god

God unceasingly pursues us so that we might come to know Him, not as an idea or lifestyle, but as a living person. The Christian life begins when we encounter God, and it continues when we say “yes” to God’s ongoing invitation.

To us, encounter isn’t a one-time thing; it’s a way of life


unite with community

Our commitment to God ties us together in a familial bond. Because of the freedom we experience in Christ and the union we have in our mission, we are not afraid of vulnerability with one another. We foster authentic friendships that urge us towards our true identity. We commit to community by comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comfortable.

Together, we are stronger


Before knowing Christ we spent our lives in a desperate fight for acceptance. We hid the mess of life behind a facade, scared to death of not being enough. But Christ seeks us—the orphan, the lost, the forsaken—in our brokenness. Jesus liberates us by claiming us as we are. Because of Him we are free to unmask our messy hearts before the One who has always accepted us.

We drop the act. We welcome love in.


endure in your mission

When Christ pursued us He didn’t just see our brokenness; He saw our potential to create revival with Him. Dissatisfied with the world, yet unafraid of its persecution, we pledge our fidelity to God and stop at nothing to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. We are boat rockers and table flippers. We believe there is more to life than the status quo, and we challenge false authority and clear a way for all to encounter God.

We stop at nothing to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth


God shows us the cross and says, “I gave you everything and did not count the cost. Will you do the same for Me?” Our faith is not a theory, but a radical love affair, where mutual sacrifice leads to intimacy. Sustained by Christ’s devotion to us, we remain devoted. We choose fidelity to Christ above all else. We give Him our allegiance through our brightest days and darkest nights.

We let go of attachments, we shed the need for comfort 


RECEIVE your inheritance

In the steady rhythm of a transformed life we find hope—not in achievements for a demanding Master, but in a Father who is pleased to give us His Kingdom. We stop striving for His praise and instead we join with Him in our work as children of a Father who fights for us. Our identity is secure. The battle has been won. His victory is His legacy to us.

We are heirs of a Father who fights for us



The heart of the Christian Community is the Eucharist, and we are blessed to have three Masses each Sunday with a vigil Mass Saturday evening.


Offering a space of encounter where we can grow in the faith, open up about our daily struggles, and build community is so important.


Tuesday nights are young adult nights around here. From socials to formation and worship nights each Tuesday there is something happening for young adults to gather. Check out the calendar to see what you can attend next!


Sometimes we need to get away from the daily grind of life for a moment of peace and intimate communion with the Lord. It can take a lot of bravery to take a weekend off, but the fruits are so worth it. We offer several retreats each year to do just this.


From pitching in with youth ministry to hitting the streets with Project Finding Calcutta, service is what we strive for.